Une fois n'est pas coutume, le nouveau roman d'Olivier Norek n'est pas un polar mais un roman historique dont le sujet est un événement peu connu de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, l'invasion de la Finlande par l'Union soviétique.
Il s'intéresse notamment à un jeune paysan, Simo, qui va devenir le sniper le plus dangereux de l'armée finlandaise, à tel point que les soldats russes le surnommeront la « Mort blanche ».
Basé sur une solide documentation, Les guerriers de l'hiver est la nouvelle pépite de l'excellent Olivier Norek.
Psychoacoustics, the study of how hearing works and how the brain processes sounds entering the ear to provide the listener with useful information, is...
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Livré chez vous entre le 27 novembre et le 3 décembre
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Psychoacoustics, the study of how hearing works and how the brain processes sounds entering the ear to provide the listener with useful information, is a field of great interest to psychologists, cognitive scientists, and musicians. While a number of books have presented individual aspects of this field, there has been no comprehensive introductory coverage of the multiple topics that it encompasses. Music, Cognition, and Conputerized Sound provides that coverage. The book begins with introductory chapters on the basic physiology and functions of the ear and auditory sections of the brain, then proceeds to discuss a wide range of topics associated with the study of psychoacoustics, including cognitive psychology and the physics of sound. The book has a particular emphasis on music and computerized sound. An accompanying CD-ROM includes many sound examples to help explicate the text.