Une fois n'est pas coutume, le nouveau roman d'Olivier Norek n'est pas un polar mais un roman historique dont le sujet est un événement peu connu de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, l'invasion de la Finlande par l'Union soviétique.
Il s'intéresse notamment à un jeune paysan, Simo, qui va devenir le sniper le plus dangereux de l'armée finlandaise, à tel point que les soldats russes le surnommeront la « Mort blanche ».
Basé sur une solide documentation, Les guerriers de l'hiver est la nouvelle pépite de l'excellent Olivier Norek.
Polymers are mainly characterised by molar mass, chemical composition, functionality and architecture. The determination of the complex structure of polymers...
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Livré chez vous entre le 27 novembre et le 3 décembre
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Polymers are mainly characterised by molar mass, chemical composition, functionality and architecture. The determination of the complex structure of polymers by chromatographic and spectroscopic methods is one of the major concerns of polymer analysis and characterisation. This lab manual describes the experimental approach to the chromatographic analysis of polymers. Different chromatographic methods, their theoretical background, equipment, experimental procedures and applications are discussed, thermodynamics of polymer chromatography, size exclusion chromatography, liquid adsorption chromatography, liquid chromatography at the critical point of adsorption, two-dimensional chromatography. The book will enable polymer chemists, physicists and material scientists as well as students of macromolecular and analytical science to optimise chromatographic conditions for a specific separation problem. Special emphasis is given to the description of applications for homo- and copolymers and polymer blends.