En cours de chargement...
Each time the globe turns, murder strikes.
When Beatrice's husband Hugh returns from his excursion to the New World, he is not alone. Accompanying him are an unnamed pregnant woman, and an enormous painted globe. No one will explain who Hugh's mysterious female house guest is. Meanwhile, Beatrice's resentment of the globe grows. To her, it represents a world that belongs entirely to her husband - a world where she will never belong.
Then at night, the great hulking globe begins to turn.
Terrifying new illustrations appear on its face - and when a chain of untimely deaths ensues, Beatrice is sure the drawings are connected.
As the globe plays more tricks and the body count rises, Beatrice is becoming paranoid. Are these killings part of a cruel revenge plot, or something more sinister? And on this otherworldly map of murders, who will be painted as the ultimate victim?